The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ conceptions and challenges of the Lesotho
General Certificate of Secondary Education (LGCSE) Extended Mathematics Curriculum. The
sample size of the study was two mathematics teachers from different schools. Teachers were
purposively sampled while schools were purposively and conveniently sampled. Questionnaire
(open-ended questionnaire), observation and interview (structured interview) were used to
collect data, in order to gain as thorough understanding as possible of the case and its context.
The interview and observation data were transcribed and the questionnaire, observation and
interview data were analysed separately by organising the data, selecting ideas and concepts and
organising them into categories and similar categories were sorted under one overarching theme.
The schools were named schools A and B, and teachers were given pseudonyms (Miss Mafa and
Mr. Thaba). The findings were presented in a narrative format that would be rich in detail and
The study revealed that teachers do have conceptions/understandings concerning LGCSE
Extended Mathematics Curriculum. Teachers' reasoning contradicts with what they practice in
their classrooms. Again, teachers do encounter challenges when implementing Extended
Mathematics Curriculum such as workload, lack of skills to enact Extended Mathematics
Curriculum, lack of content knowledge, lack of teaching materials (textbooks), lack of clarity
about Extended Mathematics Curriculum and resistance to change when implementing Extended
Mathematics Curriculum, especially at schools where there is only one mathematics teacher.