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School-based psychosocial support

Show simple item record Lephoto, Malephoto Niko Ruth Hlalele, Dipane 2025-01-16T11:45:02Z 2025-01-16T11:45:02Z 2021-11-22
dc.identifier.issn 2642-2336
dc.identifier.issn 2642-2328
dc.description.abstract The necessity for school-based psychosocial support (SBPSS) provision has become a fundamental issue in global education systems. However, for many schools in Lesotho, and in other Sub-Saharan countries, there seem to be no clarity on the position of guidance and counselling (GC) in school psychosocial support (PSS) undertakings. This paper considers G/C as an essential component of psychosocial support provision in schools, and argues that G/C should be well positioned so that it becomes the core component of PSS activities. The paper intents to address issues raised by international research that against the backdrop of ever increasing complex societal challenges that impact negatively on school going population and school life in general, there is need strengthen G/C as part of PSS activities. The interplay of the various challenges often makes the adverse experiences more complex, subsequently causing adjustment disorders among students. Underpinned by asset-based approach and relational leadership theory, this study employed qualitative semi-structured questionnaires, online free attitude interviews and focus group discussions to explore teachers’ perspectives on possibilities for positioning GC as the core component of SBPSS. This study uncovered various factors contributing to undecided position of GC. The study concluded that schools need to tap into asset-based approach to strategically position GC in SBPSS undertakings. en
dc.description.sponsorship Self en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Scholink en
dc.subject Guidance and counselling, component, psychosocial support, asset-based, approach en
dc.title School-based psychosocial support en
dc.title.alternative Asset-based approach for positioning guidance and counselling as a core component en
dc.type Article en

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