This study documents the long regency of Chieftainess Mantšebo which lasted close to two decades, from 1941 to 1960. Mantšebo was the first and the only woman to occupy the seat of the Paramountcy in the History of Basutoland. After the death of her husband Paramount Chief Seeiso Griffith, she was appointed the regent by the Sons of Moshoeshoe in the minority of the heir apparent who was only five years in 1939 when Seeiso passed on. As a regent, Chiftainess Mantšebo faced a serious challenge from the British colonial authorities who were pursuing the chieftaincy Reforms which unfortunately threatened Basotho chieftaincy. Regardless, there were milestones that she achieved like the socio-economic and political empowerment of Basotho in general and that of Basotho women. Most importantly she repelled incorporation of Basotho into the Union of South. Mantšebo’s regency revealed that women chiefs were also well suited to those positions that were traditionally designated for men.