We report optimization of the synthesis parameters viz. heating temperature (TH), and
hold time (thold) for vacuum-annealed (105 Torr) and LN2 (liquid nitrogen) quenched
MgB2 compound. These are single-phase compounds crystallizing in the hexagonal struc-
ture (space group P6=mmm) at room temperature. Our XRD results indicated that for
phase-pure MgB2, the TH for 105 Torr annealed and LN2-quenched samples is 750 C.
The right stoichiometry i.e., MgB2 of the compound corresponding to 105 Torr and TH
of 750 C is found for the hold time (thold) of 2.30 hours. With varying thold from 1{4
hours at xed TH (750 C) and vacuum (105 Torr), the c-lattice parameter decreases
rst and later increases with thold (hours) before a near saturation, while the a-lattice
parameter rst increases and later decreases beyond a thold of 2.30 hours. The c=a ratio
versus thold plot showed an inverted bell-shaped curve, touching the lowest value of 1.141,
which is the reported value for perfect stoichiometry of MgB2. The optimized stoichi-
metric MgB2 compound exhibited superconductivity at 39.2 K with a transition width
of 0.6 K. In conclusion, the synthesis parameters for phase pure stoichimetric vacuum-
annealed MgB2 compound are optimized and are compared with widely-reported Ta
tube encapsulated samples.