We have studied the effect of white light on hopping conduction and the effectiveness of non-equilibrium phonon detection in Zndoped
GaAs bolometers over the temperature range 1.35 K 6 T 6 2.15 K. The temperature dependence of the low electric field resistance
indicates that the mechanism of conduction is due to variable range hopping. Using a heat-pulse technique we show that the sensitivity of
a GaAs:Zn bolometer with an acceptor concentration, na = 4.2 1017 cm 3 is significantly enhanced in the presence of suitably applied
irradiation, despite the value of its temperature coefficient of resistance, aðTÞ ¼ ð1=RÞðoR=oT Þ, actually being decreased by light. It is
proposed that the effect of light is to populate excited states of the acceptors, which have larger wave functions and hence show enhanced