Postharvest application of chemical pesticides on fruit and vegetables has serious longterm effects on
human health and environment and can result in resistant pathogen strains. The search for biopesticides
using microbial antagonists and natural plant products has subsequently become more important as
viable alternatives to control postharvest diseases. In this study, besides documenting the preharvest
citrus cultivation practices, pests and postharvest disease incidences in Ethiopia, extracts from two plant
species and three microbial antagonists have been documented as a breakthrough postharvest
biocontrol agents. Besides controlling citrus infection, the semi‐commercial application of antagonists
and plant extracts has also improved fruit quality and may provide a commercial solution for citrus
industry world wide. This book will provide substantial information to Citrus Producing Companies,
Agricultural Field Experts, Plant Pathologists, Biocontrol Product Processing Experts and Scientists
interested in the field.