The debate on the rights of homosexuals (it must be noted that, the word “homosexual” is used
to refer to the LGBTQI+ community mentioned in the title and shall be used interchangeably)
to marry one another has been a heated debate from the time the topic came into public
discourse.1 The question of the legalisation of homosexuality in general has been tabled before
different parliaments, with some countries like South Africa haven gone ahead to legalise the
marriage between same sex couples. Other countries like Uganda have rather banned such
activity on the basis that it is a sinful practice.2 Both the courts and parliaments are facing a
great challenge since the LGBTQ+ community is backed by European countries and
organisations that influence governments to legalise homosexuality.3 The influence of
Europeans, Americans and civil organisations has also been realised with the passing of the
law of inheritance in Lesotho, being a typical example that Americans may in future also
influence the government to enact the law that legalises marriage between homosexuals in
Lesotho.4 Hence the need to probe into the discussion.